Rye Bread

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I’m a big fan of homemade bread. There is nothing better then opening the oven door and being enveloped in the sweet aroma of the soft, fluffy dough that I spent hours nurturing to perfection. I also like that I get to knead the dough, because there really isn’t anything as satisfying as feeling the dough come together in your hands.

Since I spend so much time making bread, I’ve worked out quite a few recipes I thought I would share. This rye bread is fairly basic and can be easily customized for your tastes. I happen to like the combination of rye and wheat flour for flavor with the all purpose flour acting as a generic filler to finish out the recipe. But you could omit the wheat flour if it’s not your thing, or maybe use bread flour for a more light, chewy texture to your dough. Or maybe substitute milk for the water to give the bread a sweeter taste and softer texture. Whatever suits your tastes. 

I keep this particular bread recipe on hand because it is so customizable and easy to manipulate to fit whatever situation I need a delicious loaf of rye bread for. This recipe will make two standard sized loafs of rye bread for you and your family to enjoy.