Pecan Pumpkin Bread

I did that thing where I bought a specific ingredient for a specific recipe and now have a bunch of the special ingredient leftover I need to get rid off. This time it was pecan flour. I added the pecans to a few other recipes but this is the one …

Homemade Maple Cinnamon Candy Corn

I thought it would be fun to make homemade candy corn for Halloween again this year. Last time I made my own, I experimented with a few different flavors but I really liked the maple and cinnamon combination. Since I didn’t want to make multiple versions of the candy this …

Snickerdoodle Cheesecake

We celebrated another two birthdays this month! This cheesecake was for one of them. It’s loaded with cinnamon, which definitely qualifies it as a fall staple. This is simple refrigerator cheesecake with a cookie base.  Since this is a snickerdoodle cheesecake, it starts with a sugar cookie base. Cream together …

S’mores Babka

Summer has been officially over for a few weeks. As a final farewell to the sunny weather and long days, I figured I’d share a fun babka recipe based on a campfire favorite treat: s’mores!  Well, okay, to be honest I’m not the biggest fan of summer. I am super …