Fluffernutter Strawberries

It’s Valentine’s Day!!! A day filled with love, happiness, but most importantly chocolate. And strawberries. Chocolate covered strawberries, what Valentine’s day is all about. Except for here. I much prefer a fluffernutter covered strawberry. Because marshmallow and peanut butter pair far better with strawberries than chocolate does, in my opinion. …

Snickerdoodle Cheesecake

We celebrated another two birthdays this month! This cheesecake was for one of them. It’s loaded with cinnamon, which definitely qualifies it as a fall staple. This is simple refrigerator cheesecake with a cookie base.  Since this is a snickerdoodle cheesecake, it starts with a sugar cookie base. Cream together …

S’mores Babka

Summer has been officially over for a few weeks. As a final farewell to the sunny weather and long days, I figured I’d share a fun babka recipe based on a campfire favorite treat: s’mores!  Well, okay, to be honest I’m not the biggest fan of summer. I am super …

Banana Custard

I know bananas can be a bit controversial, but I come from a banana loving family and wanted to make a recipe highlighting their deliciousness. I originally made this custard to use as a filling for some buns I made, but it didn’t quite work out. However, this custard was …